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Aurovue Dfine Multifocal Hydrophobic IOL
Product Description
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Aurovue Dfine IOL is a hydrophobic diffractive multifocal aspheric foldable preloaded intraocular lens for ophthalmology application with the near addition of +3D. The optic of Aurovue Dfine has uniquely designed to provide maximum energy at near and optimum energy at distance. With this design, the patient will have very good near vision with uncompromised distance vision.

Product Features

Posterior surface with 11 diffractive zones for near, intermediate and distance vision
Square edge posterior with Truedge 360° reduces PCO rates
Aspheric surface for better contrast sensitivity
Force-enduring haptics for greater stability

Offers power from 10.0 D to 15.0 D in 1.0 diopter increment and 15.0 D to 25.0 D in 0.5 D increment. The 11 concentric rings are designed for tropical eyes (4 mm pupil size).

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